My Birth Story - The Home Birth of Jordan

My baby turns one this week so I’ve been reflecting on his birth and reminiscing what a special day it was as we welcomed our 3rd son. His birth was different, with two previous unmedicated and uncomplicated hospital births, we decided on a home birth this time. It just felt right, to be home, with my family, doula, midwife, and of course my birth photographer. Documenting this birth was extra important. I wanted to see all the things, I wanted it to be documented exactly as it was. Lawren did just that and it was perfect, I’ll let the images and video speak for themselves.

As far as sharing my birth stories and why I do it, well, I’m a birth photographer, so clearly I’m a little obsessed with all things birth. But beyond that, I will always shout from the rooftops that birth stories are powerful, you never know how your story will impact someone else who is on their own journey. When I was pregnant with my first I felt extremely self conscious about hiring a doula and working towards the goal of an unmedicated birth, because I didn’t see many people that looked like me in the “natural birth world”. So I share my clients stories, and I share mine, hoping that others will see that you have options, birth can and does look different for everyone, and no matter how or where you give birth, it will be full of beautiful moments.


One of my favorite photos… me taking a picture of my sweet Jordan when he was just 2 hours old.


Jordan’s Birth Story

I was 41 weeks 3 days pregnant and the day started out with not much excitement and ended in full blown active labor. That's one of the things I love about giving birth, you wake up one day, not in labor, and then you have that “OMG, is today the day” moment and then your life changes forever. There aren’t many surprises left in this world, but going into labor is such a fun one. 

The day went on without much happening, I had the occasional contraction, but nothing noteworthy. I grabbed some Starbucks, went to the chiropractor, wasted some time walking around Target and then headed to my midwife appointment. Since I was coming up on 42 weeks, we decided to do a membrane sweep. The hubby and I went out to lunch, I went for a walk and decided to take a nap. 

Dinner time rolled around. I had been wanting Chick-Fil-A  so I drove to get it. I remember feeling a little blah at this point and didn’t really eat my dinner, even though I had been craving it. After dinner we got the boys ready for bed, tucked them in and said goodnight.

Once they were asleep I carried on with my normal nighttime routine. Since we were having a home birth, I had gotten pretty neurotic about tidying the house every night. I had a whole routine, lol. Shower, shave my legs, straighten up the house, dry my hair, go to bed. 

Looking back I was in early labor most of the evening, I had some stronger contractions but they were sporadic and I just ignored them. TMI, I also had a few more bathroom trips and lost some mucus plug. 

10:30pm - Let the games begin

I laid down to go to bed and had a really strong contraction. Not too long later, another really strong one. I asked Kevin what time it was and he said 10:35, so 5 mins apart. I thought “oh crap” are we really doing this at night?!?! I didn’t say anything to him and he went to sleep. I tried to sleep, but more contractions. After some time passed I decided to time them, I was trying to rest but they kept coming every 5 mins and staying in bed was getting uncomfortable. 

11:30pm - Is this really happening??!?!

I was kind of in denial but decided to text my doula and tell her what was going on. I gave her the scoop of how things had escalated and she called me. During our call my contractions had switched to closer to 4 mins apart and she decided to start getting ready to head my way.

12:00am - 50% sure today is the day

It was officially September 28th. 41 weeks 4 days pregnant. Still somewhat in denial, I called my midwife. She and my doula were both on their way. 

12:15am - Wake up Hubby

I woke up Kevin and we both started getting ready. I threw on my “labor clothes”, brushed my teeth and put on some tinted moisturizer and mascara, you know, for the photos, lol.

12:30pm - Call the photographer

I had texted my photographer earlier, but I wasn’t sure if she needed to come yet. But now contractions were 3-4 mins apart and I was having some bloody mucus, so she too was on her way.

12:35am - Where’s Kevin

Contractions were strong. I remember walking around the house, unlocking the front door, turning on lamps, putting some clary sage in the diffuser and just feeling excited. Husband is no where to be found. Of course, he’s in the bathroom just chilling on his phone. After the birth I asked him about it and he laughed saying “I had no idea you were that far along, I thought we had all night”.

12:45am-1:00am - My birth team arrives 

Everyone arrives, doula, midwife, photographer, midwife assistant. It was so nice having them around, It felt like being surrounded by friends, safe and supported. Some people like to be alone during labor, I’m the opposite, give me all my people.

1:00am - 1:55am - Hard work, but fun, yes labor can be fun

I was contracting every 3-4 mins, feeling lots of pressure, lots of bloody show. During contractions I preferred to be hanging on to something or someone and getting counter pressure from my doula. Between contractions there was lots of chatting and jokes. Jokes about the songs on my playlist, birth affirmations, position suggestions, so many laughs.

1:56am - Water breaks and it looked like it does in the movies

My water broke with a huge gush, so much fluid going everywhere. We were all giggling about the mess. 

2:03am - 98% sure I’m having a baby today

Contractions were intense before, but even stronger now, lots more pressure. Throughout my labor I kept joking that I was whatever % sure tonight was the night, after my water broke I was like “okay, i’m 98% sure now”. 

2:04am - 2:21am - Its getting real

These contractions I spent in a few different positions, holding on to Kevin, kneeling at the bed and finally laying down on the bed, just listening to my body and doing what felt right. The contractions were coming on strong and the pressure was building. I asked my midwife to check me, I was curious if it was getting closer to time to push. My midwife reported I was almost 10cm, just a little cervical lip left. 

2:23am - I need to poop

I felt like I needed to poop, so I got up and walked to the bathroom. I figured I had a little cervical lip so it would be good to use the bathroom and sit on the toilet for a couple of contractions.

2:24am - Its not poop, its a baby

After having 2 unmedicated births before, plus being a birth worker, I should have known better… yeah, I might have needed to poop, but it was also a baby, lol. Right as I sat down on the toilet, huge contraction, some poop, and the undeniable urge to PUSH. 


2:26am - Crowning

The midwives asked me several times if I was comfortable, if I wanted to move off the toilet, but moving wasn’t happening. Did I plan on having my baby on the toilet, everyone crammed into a tiny bathroom, absolutely not, but it was happening.

2:27am - He’s Here!!!

Just a few minutes ago I was in my bed, I walked to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and bam, a whole baby in about 3 minutes. The sheer shock and joy was overwhelming, I couldn’t believe it, such an amazing moment. In the birth video you hear Kevin say, “that was quick”, which I just love.


2:34am - Soaking it all in

Back in bed, just soaking it all in. It was such a whirlwind, I couldn’t believe I was holding my baby. Another favorite part of my birth video was at this point you hear me say “what a fun night”. It truly was, such an incredible, fun time.


2:35-4:45am - Family of 5

The last 2 hours were spent just hanging out. Midwives tending to me and baby, cuddling in the comfort of my own bed. Colby, my oldest who was 7 at the time, came in to meet Jordan. He cut the umbilical cord, counted his toes, helped with the newborn exam and kept saying how cute Jordan was. Brady, our 3 year old remained fast asleep the entire time. At the end of it all, everyone left and it was just us, a family of 5.

The night was a dream come true made possible by my family and amazing birth team.

A night filled with so much joy and love, a night I will never forget.


Photography by my friend and fellow DFW Birth Photographer Lawren Rose with Lawren Rose Photography

Doula support by the one and only, the best doula and friend, Delilah Ray with Cherish Birth

Midwifery care by Traci with Birthpointe

Best birth assist ever Teri with Bundleborn